About Goatbells.blog
I live in Oregon … a retired technology worker. I consider myself a philosopher hiker who just happens to carry a camera. My hikes are different than some people’s as I let my camera and sense of beautiful lead me more than a specific destination. Makes for more interesting discoveries …. the philosopher portion surfaces more on Spake the Kestrel.
Editorial note: You may ask … what happened to all the content that was here before? All the trip reports, photos and gear reviews from the last few years …. ah! My WordPress deployment corrupted itself and my work was lost (not the photos of course) … so I am starting over as of November 6, 2024 -> a very inauspicious day imho.
Goatbells were gifts from friends initially to keep bears away, but bears don’t hear that well … that initial gesture gave the blog its name. Other friends also bring back goat bells from their travels and my collection grows …

What you will find here are photos of beautiful places, tales of getting to those places and spending time there. Occasionally, my gear choices and reviews also show up. Not all things are from the woods, but most are naturally occurring wonder.
So … Into the woods I go, to lose my mind but to find my soul.