Hiking Fuji Mt & South Waldo loop

Hiking Fuji Mountain and South Waldo Lake loop was planned for last week as the last of the snow melted, but high heat >90 postponed the trip until Sunday, July 9. Weather forecasted clear and low 80’s. A couple of surprises this year even after 4 years of hiking some or all of this route (2022, 2021)

The route

Fuji Mt trailhead from Waldo Lake Rd is the easiest starting point imho (All Trails). From there, straight up to Fuji Mt summit. This section of the trail was in good condition; after the last trail junction, the trial skirts around last year’s fire. From Fuji, down South Waldo Trail to the shelter. Conditions in this section were poor with snow, blowdowns and muddy trail; no maintenance yet this year. From Waldo a couple of short trails to Gold Lake trail and back to the car.

The bugs were manageable – a BIG surprise (some years they are not), and a bug net was needed for only about 30 minutes. Only 1 blowdown required sliding underneath; all the rest were step-over or walk arounds. MTBs use Gold Lake trail so it was clean and fast. (Recorded Track)

On the way there

Right before sunrise over Lookout Reservoir, I had to stop and snap a couple of photos – the clouds were magical – a painting?

Very early in season

After hiking wilderness areas and rivers this year since May at much lower elevations, flowers and snow reminded me of how late summer comes to the Cascades. There were several sections of snow field crossing, but only one was longer than a couple of steps. Navigation was easy with South Waldo tr being the most difficult.

Early season flowers were in full display as well.

From Fuji Mt top

Weather and the promise of clear skies pushed me to hike on a Sunday to capture photos of Three Sisters over Waldo Lake. However, I only saw 1 group of humans the entire time, another surprise (they were boating on Waldo Lake) – there were not crowds of people!

The weather was clear, but the skies hazy and dirty leaving photos similar – the views to Diamond Peak were better.

Cedar Creek Fire

Last August, the Cedar Creek Fire ripped through this area and created serious damage. This hike went around one edge of the fire and from Fuji summit above much of the fire. Compared to the Holiday Farm Fire in McKenzie River valley – Cedar Creek was not total destruction, but much of it was a crown fire. Some of the burnt area was beautiful, others total carnage.

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