Hiking Ridgeline Tr on hot day

The day’s plan originally was Fuji Mt for some photos of snow-covered sisters. Hot weather just made the plan stupid, so nearby Ridgeline Tr is an always-welcome contingency. A 30 minute total car-time hike that started at 5:00am at Spring Blv TH. From there, to the top of Spencer, then to the S. Willamette TH, then back to the top; then down to Ridgeline Tr junction and back to the top; then down again to S. WIllamette TH and back to the top for the 4x. From the top the last time, to N. Willamette TH and then back to Spring TH.

Trail conditions are ‘too clean / good’. The trail is almost as hard (looks like too) as a gravel road for most of this section. Hard, rocky, and dusty … not a ‘forest trail’ at all. These conditions will most likely continue until the rain season starts again. Just be prepared – the miles have hard surface impact. 1 MTB rider, tons of people and dogs on the ‘summit’ section, but Ridgeline itself was quiet. The owls from Raptor Center were busy too.

Not only a hot day, but a buckmoon morning too.

No matter the time at the top, the air was hazy, smokey — pollen and a recent fire made worse

This little one was so busy eating grass seeds that I stood 2 ft away taking photos … the squirrel kept eating

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