Santiam Pass – Old Summit Trail

After hiking at Smith Rock for sunrise, and camping at Gorge CG, Camp Sherman, the original plan had a long day hike on the east side of 3 Finger Jack along the Old Summit Trail (US FS). Some older hikers claim this trail was the original PCT in OR, and my thoughts were east-side = less snow, warmer, and more flowers. Regardless, with the best intentions, once again, Mt Jefferson Wilderness kicked my butt, and I punted on the hike and bailed out early.

Central Cascade day use permit season is here and the only TH permit I could get for Saturday June 17 was Jack Lake. That was too far for me to drive on FS roads, so I went to Round Lake instead (a mistake for sure w/ my Honda Civic). Sunrise from Round Lake was outstanding.

After sunrise, however, the foul weather arrived. Cold, windy, foggy and the air heavy with water … After the two miles from Round Lake to Summit Trail, I was starting to question the wisdom of my trail choice. Even Black Butte looked more like Modor than Central Cascades.

Regardless, the flowers were popping, the views limited, the snow not an issue, but something just felt off / odd. I couldn’t justify marching miles and miles through a burnt forest with no views of 3 Finger Jack – he stayed hidden in the clouds the entire time.

After 4 miles (8 total), I turned around and headed back to the car … just as it started to rain.

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