Spencer Butte January sunrise fast hike

Spencer Butte January sunrise fast hike from Blanton Ridge to Spring Blvd on Ridgeline Trail with two walkups ‘The Butte’

From weather sources, today was to be the only long duration ‘no rain’ over the next many days. Perfect time to fast hike Ridgeline Trail and Spencer Butte hopefully catching the sunrise from ‘The Butte’. A very warm January morning around 50 degrees. A reverse direction from last week’s.

The Fast Hike Route (Recorded Track)

map of route

I left Blanton TH around 6:30 in dark. Shortly after leaving, 2 deer reflected back from my headlamp – they were both down-hill from the trail about 1/2 mile apart. Their eyes were a soft light greenish amber. From Blanton to the top of The Butte only a couple other humans walked by, and afterward traffic remained lighter than normal.

Trail condition muddiest of the season so far, but still not over boot-sole.

Carbon karma tax ratio: hike time 360 minutes / drive time total 30 minutes = 12 (lower guardrail = 3)


First time to the top of The Butte perfectly timed with the early sunrise.

East on Ridgeline to Baldy

Heading back down, the lower areas in the valley remained flooded from the recent heavy rains.

I stopped at the bench on Baldy’s east side, rested and then headed back toward The Butte. The rain started lightly and the wind was very loudly gusting in the Douglas Firs. Before the last segment to the top, the camera went inside its ultra lightweight sack and back into pack.

Back to the car around 12:30 as the rains came again … yet, for the 6 hours out, my rain jacket stayed in my pack. Asking for better than that for a Spencer Butte January sunrise fast hike would not make sense. Another weather gift.

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