Sunrise at Gillespie Butte & Alton Baker Park

Carless urban hiking Sunrise at Gillespie Butte & Alton Baker Park started on northwest hills and then down around Pres Trail – 10+ miles from my front door.

Weather report again showed a break at dawn between rainstorms, a perfect opportunity to hike from the front door and snap a few photos. The trip ended up around 13 miles with little backtracking, covering Gillespie Butte, Spyglass Hill, Alton Baker Park, and then UO campus. Eugene is wonderful urban setting for long low carbon karma hiking.

Sunrise – Gillespie Butte

Started going over Spyglass Hill for a first look at the east horizon for a possible sunrise with more than clouds and fog. After going up 2x, it was time to move on to Gillespie Butte. This park was unknown to us until recently, and what a treat! I got there just at the right time.

After going down the south side of the Butte, the sky opened up more and hinted at a sunnier day. (a ruse, for sure)

Back on a major road for <1 mile to Alton Baker Park, this sign’s irony with the sunrise behind couldn’t be ignored.

ped sign front sunrise

Alton Baker Park and Pre’s Trail

Once to the Park, the bark dust Pre’s Trail felt great – no mud, wet from yesterday’s rain, and just perfect. Across the open field, a later view of the sunrise told the story – clouds and rain were coming!

On the other side of the field is the Mill Race, along Pre’s Trail, and the song birds blasted the air the entire way.

Across the Mill Race, for some weird reason there was a duck party on one specific lawn. All the other lawns were empty, but this one. Sadly, I was not invited either.

Opposite river bank from Alton Baker

Circling across the river the sky again opened up promising sunshine, another ruse.

Heading back through UO campus was uneventful, and quiet as students were not yet about after the holiday break. A strange sidewalk companion was trying to carry away 1/3 slice of bread, but couldn’t so walked right at me – no fear … at all!

Eugene is amazing for urban hiking and catching a sunrise over Alton Baker Park while hiking 10+ miles, with very low carbon karma – no car – … a perfect winter morning.

One Response

  • I walked about 1.5 miles yesterday with a friend—in blowing snow! Couldn’t see much ahead! Wish the sun would peak out here! Love, mom

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