Two foggy hikes & a woodpecker

For the last two weeks, only 1 hike per week was possible given other commitments and the weather. Both hikes were local Spencer Butte / Ridgeline variations of 12 and 16 miles in the fog and mist. During first of … Read More

Wished I thought of this …

A great post in Outside this week about PCT thru hikers and their trash … A necessary read for any backpacker, imho I will be working on a plan for my 2022 hiking season for both measuring and reducing … Read More

Sister’s birthday sunrise

My sister’s birthday today so after telling her happy birthday and staying within a tight carbon burn constraint (<30 minutes total driving to / from), a different twist to Spencer Butte / Ridgeline was the order of the day. The … Read More

Fav hummingbird pics added

A new camera page was added this morning …. ~20 pics of hummingbirds. Some of my favorites that clearly show different birds and kinds of hummingbirds Enjoy … (more…)

Planning with the weather

Planning a good day hike in late Fall in Oregon can be a challenge – especially when one’s calendar is not completely flexible, i.e., hiking on a specific day. That was my situation this week – I was going to … Read More

Hiking in fog

A close-in hike in the November fog would have been hardly memorable or even something to post on (same hike I do regularly to keep carbon cost as low as possible – a 10 minute drive from home), but one … Read More

Fav pics 2021 – the Cascades

Most, if not all, were taken while hiking / backpacking. Each view was spectacular from the hiker’s lens Clicking on pic will open 90% quality resolution – if you have good compute / graphics power, please do so. (more…)


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Fall returns to Spencer Butte

I had a permit and plan to hike Mt Jefferson Wilderness yesterday, but the are was closed due to the Bingham Fire and a refund returned for permit. Tuesday’s Ridgeline hike showed all the smoke in Cascade foothills, and a … Read More

Sunny, hot October on Ridgeline Trail

A couple of days to hike later in October than normal with hot and sunny weather … the decision on where to hike and in what order had to comprehend all the wildfires still burning in both the Willamette and … Read More

Late summer flowers hanging on

While taking care of my short-legged granddaughter for a few weeks, trips to the mountains have to wait. Sometimes a squirrel-hunting very small dog is my top priority and everything spins around her (just what grandpas are supposed to do … Read More