Ridgeline flowers and clouds

After the Ochocos, another drive to hike just seemed irrational this week. For a close-in experience, Ridgeline and Spencer Butte were the ticket. Human traffic was moderate and mostly after 9:00; I did, however, see two baby carriages on the trail between Fox Hollow and Dillard – a new thing. People were grumpy, too; I’d say good morning and get grumbles in reply. Hard to blame a full moon

Trail conditions were too perfect and hard – not a lick of mud anywhere and not enough needles and leaves to lessen the impact of that crushed gravel trail. I will think twice before going again without a good rainstorm. I left around 6:30 from Spring Blvd TH and went to Spencer top and then to Blanton TH to reverse it. Back to the car around 1pm to go home for lunch.

Trail-side foliage was green and green. Early in morning, the birds were singing everywhere; then as the city noise filters up the hill, the birds seemed to fade away … wildflowers were popping just about everywhere as well, and especially the meadows.

Clouds were unique painting across the sky. If you look closely at the 3 Sisters, they all have hats on. Quite unique to see hats on all 3 of the peaks.

For the data geeks – the recorded track – a pretty long, fast jaunt without driving far – perfect for today.

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